Artificial Reefs

In the February issue of National Geograhic  is the article “From Relic to Reefs” in it you will find an exciting story of what artificial reefs do for our ecology and economy. If you are a diver, you will understand the approach from underwater on a sunken object. Some placed there intentionally and some unintentional. The research is in studying the benefits of such placements and the reasons why. Besides bringing pleasure to divers, artificial reefs aid in building homes and safety stops or stations for nomadic creatures as well as those looking for a safe place to setup residence. They also provide a place for fisherpeople to go to catch bait and to catch prey. The economy prospers wth the increase of sales in sporting goods, fishing and diving, boating rentals, fuel, food, restaurants that buy from local provider and more. To learn more about why we build artificial reefs …

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